What Belt Are You? Recorder Karate Hallway Display
It’s easy to figure out what songs, notes, and skills I need to learn to earn new belts with this simple Recorder Karate hallway display! On each poster students will be able to find information about the song for that specific belt and and new skills that they will have to master. This leaves kids excited and thinking about what they’ll need to conquer next. My principal loves the setup because it’s a clearly displayed rubric of what each students needs to do to succeed. Most of all, it was easy to make and spruces up a bland/off white hallway! Everyone’s happy!
This was a very simple and totally cool display to make for the hallway to get my students excited about Recorder Karate. While I did make these posters I didn’t come up with this hallway display idea and have to credit a great music teacher in my district, Jennifer Gragson, for coming up with the idea. Thanks for letting me make my own version of this Recorder Karate hallway display, Jennifer!
How to make your own posters
1) To start, I went through and created a PowerPoint presentation slide for each of the belts to explain the different skills that are assessed with each test. (See below to download this file for free) This was pretty easy to do as I flipped through the songs in the Recorder Karate book and looked at what new concept was added on each belt. Once I printed the posters off I mounted them on colored construction paper, laminated, and cut them out.
2) Making the colored recorders was pretty easy as well. I took my actual recorder and traced around it to make the outline. The basic shape of the recorder came from tracing and then I filled in the rest (finger holes, lines, etc.) by hand with a sharpie.
3) The coolest thing was when I went and copied from construction paper onto construction paper! I had no idea that this was possible and then a couple teachers on my kindergarten team rocked my world. I saw them doing it in the copy room and they said, laughing, “You think that we copy all of our handouts by hand for our little craft posters in the hallway/for kids to cut out? No way! Make one master copy and use the copier to copy the rest onto your construction paper!”
So, just put your original on the glass and adjust the zoom manually (my construction paper was 9×12 so I told the copier to scan that size) and then put the other construction paper in the bypass tray (and again go into settings and set it for 9×12 paper if that’s what size paper you have). The copies went through easily and viola, recorder outlines in a ton of colors! Laminate, cut, and bam! You’re done!
4) Finally I added a banner that said: “What Belt Are You?” The words I made in a PowerPoint presentation, printed everything out, laminated, and stuck on the extra recorders that I made. This Recorder Karate hallway display was super easy to create. Click here to see all the pins about “Recorder Karate” that’s I’ve saved so far!
Click below to see large images of the posters.