Space Invaders Concert Bulletin Board
It’s concert season again and time to start advertising! I swear that no matter how many times I remind my students when and where the concert is, that they still forget all the details. I send out notes, I post on our website, I make huge bulletin boards… basically I do everything and anything I can to help them remember. Why not take advantage of my hallway bulletin board to remind kids about the concert, venue, and important details!
I have to hold my school music concerts off campus at a nearby high school or middle school. When our elementary school was built it wasn’t made for the high volume that we now have. The building was originally made for 200ish students or less, but we added on to the building a few years ago we’re now at about 500+. The physical addition to our school campus added classrooms and a bigger media center but didn’t upgrade the gym, stage, or performance area. So that means that to have any sort of concert I have to hold it off campus at the closest place that can hold all of our kids/parents.
Space Invaders – Concept Behind the Concert
This concert theme is super fun and totally different from what I’ve done before. I’ve pieced together a very obvious “Friendship/citizenship” program together and am selling it to my students under the guise of a “space invaders” theme. There’s only one song that actually talks about space and all the others are about being thankful, passing on the goodness, and showing kindness towards one another (whether the “one another” is from this planet or not). Just goes to show that you can craft your show around a “moral focus” and then give it a theme like circus, space, underwater, etc. and kids will never know the difference.
The songs and content for this show came from a variety of places. I searched through and found a few Music K-8 songs that were perfect for this theme. I also found another concert program called “Let’s Pass It On” and I pulled a few songs that fit the them. To help weave everything together I wrote a simple script about aliens with no manners who landed on the playground. Lots of fun and perfect for these kids at this school. I’m excited to see how it turns out!
If you want to learn more about the concert theme itself you can check out this LIVE video I recorded where I share the resources, songs, costumes, and process I used to craft the performance together.
Space Invaders Concert Bulletin Board
Here’s the hallway bulletin board I created to get students excited about the concert and to remind parents to plan for the night concert. The background is a blue piece of fabric that I’ve probably used 8-9 times in the last three years. That navy blue is easy to use as a base for so many different themes. The little planets and stars are all die-cuts that I bought on clearance at Target at the end of Back to School sales. There are so many little elements for bulletin boards like this that you can get donated or purchase for not a lot of money and they really make the bulletin board come alive!
The spaceship itself was a little more fun to create. I bound together a few foam core boards as a base and then stapled and glued the light blue butcher paper to it. The orange on top of the blue actually hides a string of twinkle lights that I had lying around allowing the spacecraft to light up with hidden lights underneath. I plan to plug in and light up this space ship for Family Advocacy/Parent-Teacher day in a week or so.
The finished space ship hangs from some twine and hidden 3m hooks that I attached to the wall right above the bulletin board. This means that the flying saucer actually sits out from the wall, giving this a bit of a 3d effect. I put some streamers under the saucer to show it blasting off. The alien on top came last and was taped to the wall with a few pipe-cleaner eyes coming out for even more 3d fun. The fonts all came for FREE from dafont.com and though you can’t really tell, one of the fonts is supposed to look like the font from Star Wars.
I always try and include some sort of countdown so that kids can keep it in their head and so that they can see the concert approaching. I had planned to have some sort of countdown anyway and how perfect to include “T-minus” time with the theme. At the last second I thought about pasting the countdown onto a rocket and the “t-minus” language came naturally.
If you have any questions about this bulletin board please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll try and help the best I can.