Move it! Movement words for all occasions.
Here’s a bulletin board that I created to help my kids identify, categorize, and use movement words. Our district is on a big literacy kick (which district isn’t these days?) and we’ve been encouraged to post and use more words on word walls, etc. I am fresh off my first Orff Level training and am looking for more ways to encourage kids with creative movement. If I have a huge assortment of locomotor and non-locomotor words up on the wall, maybe they’ll be inspired to add new actions to our old favorite songs.
I created these movement word cards (which honestly could be used as flash cards, reference cards, bulletin board etc) and decided to post them on one of my big open bulletin boards for reference. I put them on the board and then tied them with yarn to two main words LOCOMOTOR and NON-LOCOMOTOR. This lets kids identify and categorize which words fall where. It’s been fun to have kids reference these words when they’re allowed to improvise a dance or when they need inspiration. It’s also handy when we talk about which actions are best to use in a certain situation and, honestly, it’s helped me come up with more movement options on the fly!
I originally made this set with a red chevron background but I’ve since created sets in blue, green, purple, pink, citrus, confetti colors, and more. If you want an easy click, print, laminate, and post bulletin board for yourself you can download the resources on my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.
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