Back to School … Bulletin Board Ideas
Well there might be product displays at every Target, Walmart, and Office Max from here to Toledo, but I will NOT at this moment admit that it’s almost “the time that shall not be named.” There can be decorations of backpacks and yellow school busses in every window, but I’ll hold out until it’s really time to take that fateful drive back to school…. That’s totally not true, I’m already thinking about next year, new programs, how I’ll teach new concepts, fun and exciting songs, ways to incorporate more recorder, and soooooo much more!
In the spirit of thinking ahead, I created this list of some of my favorite bulletin boards from the recent past. Just click on the image to go to my blog post about each one. I hope that this gives you some inspiration as you start to/continue to plan your room for the coming school ye… Nope. Can’t quite say it yet. I hope this helps as you plan for… the future.

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