A Holiday Moosical – Bulletin Board
It was such a blast to create this bulletin board to promote the show. When trying to figure out what to put on the bulletin board, I took one look at the teacher manual and knew that the images there were perfect! The huge moose on the bulletin board matches the cover art on the front of the teacher manual and highlights two of the main characters. It just seemed like the perfect picture, so I wanted to duplicate it, and here’s how!
I taped up some brown butcher paper onto the white board in my room and then used my document camera to project the picture from my teacher manual onto the paper. I traced the image onto the paper and then I cut the image out, took it home, and shaded some things in to fill out the picture and add the features of the Moose face. When it came time to put “Marty” up on the wall, most of the moose was stapled up to the existing bulletin board but the few pieces that hung over the edge were secured with masking tape. I even added a bit of thin, craft rope to connect the christmas lights and make it look like an actual string of lights. This picture of the bulletin board was taken before I added the time and date of the concert, but that went up soon after with info about the concert to complete my bulletin board. The snowy font to write out of the name of the show was free from dafont.com.

This was so much fun for me to make and for the kids to see because they knew immediately it was Marty the Moose! He was larger than life and seemed so perfect. Really it only took a digital projector and doc cam to copy the images and a night to go home and color in the butcher paper cut outs. Super easy and a TON of fun for the kiddos!
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