Ultimate Classroom Wishlist
Many of you know that I moved to a new school this year. With a new school comes some reorganizing, rebuilding, and reassessment of what is truly important for instruction. When I opened up the door to my new classroom for the first time I started to take an assessment of what I had to work with and what I might want to add to my resource wishlist. Every teacher goes through this process when requisition time comes around. What instruments, books, electronics, and other resources do you really need? What is your room lacking? What would really help to grow your program? And what does a “standard” classroom look like?
What is the norm? Since I am yet again faced with a new classroom I find myself thinking “What does this room need that it doesn’t already have?” There were some obvious places where we needed resources. For instance, we didn’t have enough rhythm sticks for even half of a class to use. There weren’t enough. Also, we don’t have any woodblocks, or egg shakers, or hand drums. So, I started to make a list of all the things that would really be in a perfect classroom. Some of those things I put on my “long term wishes” list that I could submit for requisitions to my administration over time. Some of those things I immediately made into projects to add to my DonorsChoose.org page. But, no matter how I started to divide the resources, I began to make a list of all the things that I would love to have in my classroom.
The Ultimate Resource List
Instead of thinking “What is the norm or typical?”, I’d like to think “What is the dream situation?” What sorts of resources would I have if I could go through the WestMusic Catalog and run wild, ordering with abandon? What do I see used at workshops or conferences? When I go to my Orff Levels, what sorts of instruments and movement resources seem to be in every “standard” situation? What books and instruments do my friends rave about?So, I made a list, and I wanted to share! I remember when I started teaching that I searched the internet for a list of all the instruments, books, CDs, equipment, etc. that I “should” have in my classroom. I never found a resource like that. We all teach in such diverse and special situations that there is no real “standard.” However, the things that I added to the list below would aid ANY classroom. These are all the things that feel totally “standard” and some things that I think should absolutely be standard.
So, click any of the links below to see a picture/description of the resource OR click the link at the very bottom of this post and download a Word Document containing the full list. Use it as a guide for purchasing for your classroom and leave a comment at the end of this blog post if you see that I’ve forgotten to add your favorite instrument or book. I definitely want to flesh out the “book/resources” section of this list and would love any guidance there.
30 egg shakers
30 jingle/sleigh bell sets
10 maraca sets
4 shekere
6 Ghanian caxixi rattle
2 seed rattles/shakers
10 tambourines
1 vibraslap
2 rain sticks (authentic and clear)
4 Alto Glockenspiels6 Soprano Xylophones
4 Alto Xylophones
2 Bass Xylophones3 Soprano Metallophones
3 Alto Metallophones
1 Bass MetallophoneFull set of Contrabass Bars C-Bb
If buying one at a time priority – C-G-F-D-A-E-B-C’ – then if you had infinite money= Accidentals (really not necessary)
All types/sizes mallets
Orff instrument carts/stands so that instruments can be mobile
Acoustic Guitar for teacher use
Class Set of Ukuleles
30 Acoustic Guitars for kids (only if you want to start a program)
5 “Snark Brand” String Tuners
Remo Full set world drums
2 talking drums
3 full sets hand drums – Pretuned “World Wide” Hand Drum
8 handle drums
10 bongos
Conga Drums
1 gathering drum
2 djembes WITH djembe stand
Snare Drum w/ stand
10 clave sets w/ clave companion
30 lummi sticks 10”
30 pairs rhythm sticks (not ridged)
6 wood blocks
6 log drums
6 tone blocks
1 cajon
5 handle castanets
30 individual castanets
1 slapstick
1 set temple blocks
Stir Xylophone
4 cowbells
4 standard agogo bells
4 authentic “Overseas Connction” agogo bells
2 suspended cymbals (multiple sizes)
Cymbal stand
10 sets finger cymbals
1 wind chime
2 flex a tone
15 triangles
1 gong & Stand
Bluetooth/Wireless Soundsystem
Ipad – for grading, presenting, iDoceo. etc.
Ipod touch – for playing music, class dojo, etc.
Apple TV – to mirror iPad and stream video content
Yamaha Stagepass system for concerts
Infrared classroom audio system for amplification
Digital camera for concerts/taping instruction in class.
Large external hard drive for backup/media storage
Soprano Recorder
Tenor Recorder
Sopranino Recorder
Alto Recorder
Bass Recorder
Tap a taps/jingle sticks
Sound shapes
Orff Source Volumes 1-3
Mallet Madness Vol. 1 & 2
Froseth Rhythm Cards (CD IS AMAZING) by James Froseth
As American As Apple Pie by Jeff Kriske and Randy DeLelles
In the B-A-G (Book & CD) by Janet Day
Recorder Karate (Original Book & CD) by Barb Philipak
Hands on Recorder Book 1 & 2
All Aboard the Recorder Express Vol 1 & 2 by Janet Day
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