October Music Education Blog Carnival
A music education blog carnival is a monthly post that links to several new music education blog posts across the web. These blog posts were compiled from the month of September and feature music teachers from around the world. Thanks to everyone who has contributed blog posts this month! Click the links below to see the full post about each topic. There are a lot of great articles to read!
You can go back and read the posts from September here (Hosted by Amy Burns). The NEXT blog carnival is going to be hosted by Lindsay Brazell and you can contact her with your submissions through twitter @LindsayBrazell or leave here a comment with your link HERE. If you are a teacher/blogger and are interested in hosting the blog carnival in the future contact Justine Dolorfino here.
Teaching Ideas: Lessons, Songs, Games.
I love the ideas that Lori has shared here about what she’s doing with her Kindergarten classes (and probably many other classes as well). There are some great things here about transitions, make-believe, story telling, puppet magic, and more! Always good to get some more tricks to use with the little people!
Here is a fantastic blog post about rewarding positive behavior! Lindsay has some really simple procedures in place to get students on the right track. I know there are a lot of teachers out there who give “free days” when kids have a certain number of good classes built up. See what Lindsay does with her “free” days and how she makes them effective for behavior management and good for teaching the content as well!
Holy rhythm center ideas Batman! There are a lot of great ideas here for how to reinforce, teach, and create fun moments for kids using rhythm activities. Reader be warned: if you read this you’ll likely be headed for the craft store to get a new and awesome project started!
This great post from Aileen Miracle talks about 6 different ways to assess student learning from melodic reading to instrumental performance and guided listening. I love how with each mode of assessment there can be multiple standards to be assessed. We do so much with each activity and sometimes I don’t think that we realize all the possibilities! Thanks Aileen for helping to illustrate some of those options!
Here is a super detailed post about all the things that Brittany taught this week. Check out all the songs that her kids are learning, resources she’s using, and ideas that she’s working on. I can’t believe that this was what they were doing in week 2! Some great inspiration here.
Check out this blog post by Jennifer at the Yellow Brick Road to see how she adapted a really wonderful idea she found on Pinterest into a fun game for learning melody and even composition. Thanks for the freebie and great ideas Jennifer![su_spacer]
Classroom Decor
One of the things that I love most about reading blogs is seeing how other teachers set up their space and see why they’ve made the choices that they have! I love this blog post by Mrs. King (a.k.a. the Bulletin Board Lady) as she gives us a virtual tour of her room to display what she’s done with her space. I came away from this article with a ton of ideas!
Here’s my entry into the blog carnival! In this post I take you through my room and show off some of my favorite room elements and explain several things that I find to be really effective tricks to use with kids.[su_spacer]
This is a fantastic article to show you step-by-step instruction on how to set up your own interactive white board at a fraction of the cost of a traditional interactive white board/SMART board. Because there are some tech “hacks” make sure to read the fine print and see exactly what Elizabeth has done to make this work for her!
Check out the cool things that Jennifer Foxx has to share about the tech options she’s offering through her piano studio. I’m so interested by what she’s offering her students through YouTube, Facetime, and Skype. I hope there’s a follow-up article a few months down the road to show off how this approach is working.
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