June Music Education Blog Carnival
The music education blog carnival is a monthly post that links to several new music education blog posts across the web. These blog posts were compiled from the month of May 2016 and feature music teachers from around the world. Thanks to everyone who wrote wonderful and insightful articles to be included this month! Click the links below to see the full post about each topic. There are a lot of great articles to read!
You can go back and read the posts from May at this link (Hosted by Linda Knupp Seamons at “Floating Down the River”). The NEXT blog carnival is going to be hosted by Aimee Pfitzner and you can contact her with your submissions on her blog O For Tuna. If you are a teacher/blogger and are interested in hosting the blog carnival in the future contact Rachel Tanenblatt.
End-of-the-Year Music Lessons
Movement Ideas for THOSE Days
Summer Reflections – Thoughts to Ponder
Five Easy Musical Crafts for the End of the Year
Build Your Instrument Inventory: A Five Year Plan
Turning a Gym Into A Concert Hall: Part 2
Rhythm Syllable Systems – What to Use and Why!
Thanks so much for reading the Music Education Blog Carnival this month and remember to check back next month when Amy Pfitzner hosts the blog carnival on her blog O For Tuna!
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