TGIF – This Giveaway is Fantastic! Week FOUR
There’s no denying it any more, it’s time to jump into a new year! Teachers have a difficult job and music teachers can especially feel pressure to perform. Yearly concerts, countless objectives, thousands of grades, just as many names, and so many other obstacles can make even the most optimistic teacher feel stressed. We can all use a little encouragement!
I started my blog with the intent to share resources, begin conversations, and make connections within the music education community. It’s so rare that music teachers get to spend time with other music teachers to talk shop and borrow ideas. We need more chances to build connections and create relationships with our peers.
Before you fall into the school routine and get caught up in the Back to School madness, take a minute to breathe, set some goals, and think about how you can connect with our amazing music education community. Let this giveaway be the start to an exciting new year!
Take this opportunity to send a message to a friend. You can start with “Check out this fun giveaway made especially for music teachers,” and then follow with “Are you excited for the coming year?” Start the conversations now so that you can ask questions, give/take advice, and lean on one another all year long!
For the next few weeks I’ll been hosting these TGIF giveaways on my blog (starting every Friday) to celebrate the start of a new school year and encourage each and every one of you!