Film Friday — Super Simple Songs
If you ever find yourself thinking, “Man, I wish I had a high-quality video to reinforce this kids’ song,” then this is the YouTube channel for you! Today I thought I would give a shout out to Super Simple Songs, a YouTube video channel that I found a few years ago. They have created amazing videos for lots of well-known songs from “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to “BINGO,” “If You’re Happy And You Know It” and lots more. Sometimes I wish that the vocalists would sing in a higher range so that young singers can match pitch more easily, but overall I think that these videos are great examples for kids.[su_spacer]These videos would be great to download for a sub to show your primary kiddos, for those few minutes at the end of class when you need a breather, or to reinforce the song after you’ve taught it with the large group. Super Simple seems to have put together 50 minute compilations that might be perfect for a last-minute substitute teacher emergency sing-along. Browse through some of their videos and see what you think!
Visit the Super Simple Songs YouTube Channel by clicking here!
Here is one of my ultimate favorites from Super Simple Songs. Kids go nuts for the graphics and I like that they get the reinforcement with the song.
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